12.24.2013 16:30

Hello go (golang)

I've been sick for 10 days and am going totally stir crazy. I figured it was time to finally get over the initial kickstart of using go. Till now, I've always left the direct use of go to my collaborator Francesc. I've read his code and it performs nicely. So it's time for me to try out go in my own way. Thanks to Brendan, there was an initial fink go package for version 1.1.1. However, this didn't work for me on Mac OSX 10.9. I tried fixing it, and bumped into the oddities of the go src package. Some go authors refer to this as the go way. I consider this just having a weak source setup process and no install method. Once it was clear that go is just like python with the system checking the timestamps against the compiled libraries (.go -> .a for go; .py -> .pyc for python), I was able to build a go 1.2 package that even includes bash command line completion (which still acts a bit strangely) and the emacs go mode. So being that I'm a fink maintainer, let's start there.
fink install go

echo "(require 'go-mode-load)" >> ~/.emacs

type go  # /sw/bin/go

go version
# go version go1.2 darwin/amd64

go help  # Lots of command options on the screen

mkdir -p go/src/hello  # Violate the go tree layout for now cause we don't need it yet.

cd go/src/hello
cat > hello.go << EOF
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n")

go run hello.go
# Hello, world.
go build hello
can't load package: package hello: cannot find package "hello" in any of:
	/sw/lib/go/src/pkg/hello (from $GOROOT)
	($GOPATH not set)
So that was not really the right way to setup your go projects, but it was easy enough to get a kickstart. How about something a little more interesting? I like regular expressions (regexp) and want to see how it would be to write a NMEA parser in go. I got stuck right off, but I got help over on stack overflow: Using named matches from Go regex. I really prefer to use named fields for regular expressions. It's slower, but the regular expressions are much more understandable.
mkdir ~/go/src/regexp

cd !:1  # !:1 says use the argument at position 1 in the prior shell command

emacs demo_regexp.go
Then put this code into emacs:
package main

import (

var myExp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P\d+)\.(\d+).(?P\d+)`)

func main() {
  match  := myExp.FindStringSubmatch("1234.5678.9")
  result := make(map[string]string)
  for i, name := range myExp.SubexpNames() {
     result[name] = match[i]
  fmt.Printf("by name: %s %s\n", result["first"], result["second"])
go run demo_regexp.go 
# by name: 1234 9
Now to change it up, I wanted to try go via Google App Engine (GAE). Google App Engine in Go. The download is a little bit confusing. I expected an installer or something. What I found was a zip that you have to unpack and put in your path. I guess I should make a fink package in my personal package tree for that, but some other day.
fink install wget unzip
wget http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/go_appengine_sdk_darwin_amd64-1.8.8.zip
unzip go_appengine_sdk_darwin_amd64-1.8.8.zip
cd go_appengine
export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
mkdir -p ~/go/myapp/hello  
cd ~/go/myapp/hello  
cat << EOF > hello.go
package hello

import (

func init() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, world!")
cd ~/go
goapp serve myapp &
open http://localhost:8080
I know I do things differently than the average person, I'm not on the Go team, and this is definitely not a sanctioned tutorial, but it's how I got started. I have tons more to do.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

12.13.2013 17:58

Gebco multibeam cookbook

I was talking to people at AGU about common issues in multibeam sonar data. I made a comment that there is not great documentation out there that goes through the common issues seen in multibeam covering what the issues look like, what causes them, can they be prevented, and can they be fixed after the fact? Someone (perhaps Dave Sandwell) asked if I had seen the Gebco Cookbook. I hadn't.
6.2.4 Common multibeam swath sonar errors
Spikes under nadir
Tracking water-column noise
Roll-over on inward-facing steep slopes
Anomalies on outward-facing slopes
Navigation missing on first ping
Inaccurate sound speed profile used
Here is one of those:
Tracking water-column noise 
Modern multibeam swath sonar systems generally include automated
bottom tracking algorithms. Such algorithms search for seafloor echoes
in a window centered on the previous (or adjacent) ping’s
depths. However, the system can begin to track water column noise, and
may continue to do so if the system is not actively monitored. Depth
variability between pings can be large, the across-track depth
profiles are not consistent with seafloor topography, and most of the
beams/pings should be discarded.
There aren't any images and the text is pretty short. So now I've seen it, but it seems pretty weak. This stuff is definitely a start, but it's so far from what I'd like to see in the end. And the work is copyrighted in a way that I'm not going to contribute to it: "© Copyright International Hydrographic Organization [2012] " It would be nice if were at least some sort of open documentation license.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink