10.29.2004 12:00

Viz04 - Love the Blob

Just finished up the 1st draft of the what I want to do after my PhD/postdoc. Check out Viz04 and especially the "Presentation."

2008 Update: New url:

Viz04 - Using density and xcore to explore Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility. a.k.a. How to Stop Worrying & Love the Blob

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

10.14.2004 12:00

Fink developer

Just posted the 7th release of my density/volumetric code. Turning out to be reasonable little programs for manipulating these vol beasts. density has the tar balls. Here is the doxygen based docs.

I'm now a fink developer. I'm focusing on the geologic based applications and libraries.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink