01.31.2007 08:33
vesseltrax.com - AIS Google Maps/Earth
vesseltrax is a nice website with
AIS ship tracking of the Galveston/Houston port area with Google Maps
and Earth based interfaces. The google earth file has nicer ship
icons than I have.
The front page has a drop down that lets you get the Google Earth kml file.
Here is the Google Maps interface that shows a ships AIS message 5 name and cargo information.
The Google Earth view with little ship icons.
The front page has a drop down that lets you get the Google Earth kml file.

Here is the Google Maps interface that shows a ships AIS message 5 name and cargo information.

The Google Earth view with little ship icons.

01.31.2007 07:52
sqlobject fink package
I am still trying to decide on what database packages if any a fink
sqlobject package should depend, but I have a draft sqlobject-py.info
file that you can put in /sw/fink/10.4/local/main/finkinfo/databases
Note, that if you are readying this long after I wrote this post, the sqlobject will hopefully be in the fink tree and not on my drafts page.
My draft fink packages - download sqlobject-py.info dated 31-Jan-2007 or newer.
BTW, if someone really knows sqlalchemy and/or sqlobject, I could really use a tutorial on how to use these database wrappers effectively.
Note, that if you are readying this long after I wrote this post, the sqlobject will hopefully be in the fink tree and not on my drafts page.
My draft fink packages - download sqlobject-py.info dated 31-Jan-2007 or newer.
BTW, if someone really knows sqlalchemy and/or sqlobject, I could really use a tutorial on how to use these database wrappers effectively.
01.30.2007 18:11
Another sunrise shot
I've been trying to recapture that missed shot. No luck on the
lighting this morning, but I did capture this shot of the forest.

01.30.2007 14:21
Navy sub commander relieved of duty
I don't have any details since this is a fairplay headline:
Navy sub commander relieved of duty . THE commander of a US nuclear submarine has been relieved of duty following his boat's collision with a tanker in the Persian Gulf.
01.30.2007 13:38
Google Earth and Sketchup tutorial videos
Tutorials for SketchUp to Google Earth [googleearthblog.com]
01.30.2007 07:11
Converting ESRI Arc/Info shape files to Google Earth KML
- GIS Data to Google Earth talks about converting shape files to
Google Earth KML using some commercial windows only tools. Here is
another option. I've shown this before with s57 ENC chart data, but
here it is with a Arc shape file. (Using gdal version 1.4.0 or newer)
ogrinfo sbnms.shp INFO: Open of `sbnms.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful. 1: sbnms (Polygon)So there should be a polygon in that file.
ogr2ogr -f KML sbnms.kml sbnms.shpWhich creates this kml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0"> <Document><Folder><name>sbnms</name> <Placemark> <description><![CDATA[ <b>OBJECTID:</b> <i>1</i><br /> <b>AREA:</b> <i>0.23956600000</i><br /> <b>PERIMETER:</b> <i>2.04266000000</i><br /> <b>Shape_Leng:</b> <i>2.04266456234</i><br /> <b>Shape_Area:</b> <i>0.23956563571</i><br /> ]]></description> <Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-70.502624517077535,42.651229858376865 -70.216651917737892,42.766723627364335 -70.035064690795366,42.093299872372249 -70.054344171734087,42.1051712037602 -70.067070010211893,42.108303073944938 -70.086586000518764,42.117519381620241 -70.106071466728224,42.120601658877817 -70.123886112296802,42.126754758125287 -70.140045164348635,42.128528592356282 -70.154968262866575,42.133419041708223 -70.172912604417078,42.13481140155551 -70.196044924942854,42.132099157383799 -70.217071529781094,42.133392331376747 -70.238891607484177,42.129699711869044 -70.2558517459629,42.124347685078639 -70.277999877386733,42.115261073385255 -70.470436094985956,42.12923813443058 -70.597366328254395,42.551074986184581 -70.586975101270227,42.558498376829306 -70.58387756894885,42.563468929236009 -70.572532649020488,42.575222019909717 -70.555580138073651,42.580753321639378 -70.541786193673204,42.587898251490522 -70.528427130349584,42.595039367575716 -70.51586913948303,42.606506341984264 -70.50587462797651,42.621070862684029 -70.501319887816891,42.633117669215117 -70.501304632753104,42.642444604042602 -70.502624517077535,42.651229858376865</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon> <Style><LineStyle><color>ff0000ff</color></LineStyle> <PolyStyle><fill>0</fill></PolyStyle></Style> </Placemark> </Folder></Document></kml>The results in Google Earth look like this:

01.30.2007 06:50
Princess Cruise Lines fined for striking a whale
Princess Cruise Lines pays fine, restitution in whale's death
by Jill Burke: Princess Cruise Lines is facing a significant fine after one of its ships struck and killed a humpback whale in Southeast Alaska.
The collision took place in July 2001 near Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
Princess Cruise Lines is expected to enter a guilty plea Monday in U.S. district court in Anchorage. The company is also expected to pay a $755,000 fine because the ship Dawn Princess failed to operate at a slow speed around the whale.
01.29.2007 16:27
NOAA Sister Sanctuary
MIGRATION [noaa.gov]
United States and Dominican Republic Partner in Historic Conservation Effort
United States and Dominican Republic Partner in Historic Conservation Effort
NOAA image of humpback whale breaching in the NOAA Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, which is one of the acrobatic behaviors that whale watchers enjoy seeing.Jan. 29, 2007 - NOAA established a "sister sanctuary" arrangement between the NOAA Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts and the Marine Mammal Sanctuary of the Dominican Republic, two marine protected areas 3,000 miles apart that provide conservation programs for the same population of humpback whales.
01.29.2007 16:25
DefenseTech on "Too Much Information"
Several of us were discussing information overload for mariners in the
last day. It is always tough to know how and how much information to
display to users.
T.M.I., Robo-Dude [defensetech.org]
T.M.I., Robo-Dude [defensetech.org]
But that's too many robots, Hudas says. Four drones is the realistic max. And a third crewman at an additional console is ideal. And that's assuming a minimal level of human intervention in the drones activities. Basically, you tell a drone what to do, confirm the command, then let it go. Now, if the drone wants to kill something, it's going to need a soldier's permission. But for surveillance and reconnaissance, it can make its own decisions. "With those applications," Hudas says, "we don't even want a soldier."
01.29.2007 07:12
Find out who is where. Hard to dig up ships unless you know what
ports they are using, but interesting. I don't see a how it works on
their web page. I would be interested in knowning which databases
they are scraping.

01.28.2007 15:34
NSF Visualization Contest
Just a reminder that the NSF visualization competion is open for
submissions until May 31st.
NSF 2007 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
NSF 2007 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
01.28.2007 08:45
A light snow in the woods
There was a light snow last night. Here is what Gregg Hall looks like
from the woods.

01.27.2007 11:23
Converting a movie to frames
I need to export all the frames in about 10 HD sized AVI files so that
I can overlay figures and text. I tried Quicktime Pro's export
functionality. File - Export - Movie to Image Sequence - Options -
PNG. That took about an hour and a half to export a 3:20 minute avi.
Trying mplayer with altivec on fink looks to take under 30 minutes.
Much better.
mplayer -nosound -vo png z_gray.avi
01.27.2007 08:15
Active Captain
Requires login to use. It is a Yahoo Maps based application. Unfortunately, if you submit information to this site, you can only use that info from within the site.
Requires login to use. It is a Yahoo Maps based application. Unfortunately, if you submit information to this site, you can only use that info from within the site.

01.27.2007 08:03
Yesterday, we had a talk by Suzanne Carbotte of LDEO about access to
marine datasets.
Serving Multidisciplinary Data for Marine Geoscience Research: Approaches and Lessons Learned Abstract: Digital data collections serve an increasingly important role in research and education: they aid data discovery, democratize access to research resources, enable verification of research results, and provide new research opportunities. The Marine Geoscience Data System, hosted at LDEO, is a resource collection that serves multi-disciplinary marine geoscience data for the NSF Ridge2000 and MARGINS programs and for Southern Ocean Research conducted on the RV Palmer.I am excited that she put so much emphasis on WMS/WMF. She also talked about OAI-PMH. Not stuff I had heard of before. That stands for "Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting." openarchives.org/
An overview of system architecture including data and access services will be presented. Our experience with this system highlights issues associated with managing such collections, including the need to embrace rapidly evolving technologies, the need for new approaches to metadata collection and data transfer to archives, and the importance of close interaction with user
Standards for Repository Interoperability The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. OAI has its roots in the open access and institutional repository movements. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad access to digital resources for eScholarship, eLearning, and eScience.
01.27.2007 07:48
It is all about timing
This morning's sunrise had people running for their cameras - me
included. I just missed the steam coming out of the stack looking
like it was on fire. Just missed it by less than a minute. Here is
what I did capture, which is not bad, but timing is everything.

01.26.2007 10:41
Python Cartographic Library - point within a polygon
This is one of those basic problems. How do you know if a point is
within a polygon. Yes, I have coded this up myself, but I would
rather use a solid package to do this and get lots of other operators
done right. I just got PCL-Core working and have a little example
that shows testing points against a polygon.
Note that WKT is the "Well Known Text" form of geographic data. I seem to be unable to get it right when typing. I think my history with World ToolKit (WTK) is messing with my head.
Here is the example:
Note that WKT is the "Well Known Text" form of geographic data. I seem to be unable to get it right when typing. I think my history with World ToolKit (WTK) is messing with my head.
Here is the example:
In [1]: from cartography.geometry import Geometry, Point, LinearRing, Polygon In [2]: wkt = 'POLYGON ((-1.0 50.5, -0.5 51.2, 0.3 50.9, -1 50.5))' In [3]: a = Geometry.fromWKT(wkt) In [4]: wtk_POINT_IN = 'POINT (-0.5 51.15)' In [5]: pIn = Geometry.fromWKT(wtk_POINT_IN) In [6]: wtk_POINT_IN = 'POINT (-0.5 51.5)' . In [7]: pIn.within(a) Out[7]: 1 . In [8]: wtk_POINT_OUT = 'POINT (100 51.5)' In [9]: pOut = Geometry.fromWKT(wtk_POINT_OUT) . In [10]: pOut.within(a) Out[10]: 0That's it. I am still working on the fink packaging (which is giving me a little bit of trouble), but should have packages up soon. http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/software/fink/. You will need owslib-py.info, quadtree-py.info and a couple pcl-*.info files.
01.26.2007 10:27
Ice crystals on a window
The temperature today is a nice warm -2 F. I captured this image on a
window today: Ice crystals growing on a window pane.

01.24.2007 07:57
Long Beach LNG terminal cancelled
Long Beach energy project halted [latimes.com]
... In a unanimous vote, the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners decided to end an environmental review of the project that was launched more than two years ago but had slipped far behind schedule. The action effectively terminates the effort by the port and a partnership of Mitsubishi Corp. and ConocoPhillips to build a $700-million liquefied natural gas plant inside the busiest cargo port in the nation.
"The project is dead," said Doris Topsy-Elvord, a commissioner and former Long Beach councilwoman. "It's been a long haul, we've worked hard at it, but it is at a standstill. I do not think there's a possibility it will come back," she said. ... Since Long Beach officials began reviewing the project, other energy companies have proposed liquid natural gas terminals offshore in Southern California where the risk to the public is minimal.
Australia-based BHP Billiton proposes a floating terminal off the coast of Ventura County; Crystal Energy Co. wants to convert an old oil platform to an LNG terminal offshore from Oxnard; and Woodside Energy Ltd. wants to build one near Malibu; Sempra Energy Co. has already begun building a massive LNG terminal near Ensenada in Baja California, Mexico.
01.24.2007 07:53
Portsmouth Internaltional Boat Show from May 31 - June 1
Showboat promoter [seacoastonline.com]
While several of the details still have to be finalized, Parker has guaranteed to put on the first Portsmouth International Boat Show from May 31 to June 1. He expects the 400 exhibitors he has contacted to draw upward of 40,000 people to the city.
01.22.2007 17:14
SQL support for AIS databases in noaadata/ais
I just got initial database support working for the noaadata/ais
submodule (version 0.13). This has only passed one test case and I
am sure there are a few gotchas waiting. Here is an example of its
use on the command line. I received this AIS message today:
!AIVDM,1,1,,B,14QsCc0001JA7Cv>gfkhJa?@0D0w,0*71Now I can prepare for the database:
./ais_msg_1.py --sql-createThis emits the database table creation command:
CREATE TABLE position ( \ MessageID INTEGER, RepeatIndicator INTEGER, \ UserID INTEGER, NavigationStatus INTEGER, \ ROT INTEGER, SOG DECIMAL(4,1), PositionAccuracy INTEGER, \ Position_longitude DECIMAL(8,5), \ Position_latitude DECIMAL(8,5), COG DECIMAL(4,1), \ TrueHeading INTEGER, TimeStamp INTEGER, \ RegionalReserved INTEGER, Spare INTEGER, RAIM BOOL, \ syncstate INTEGER, slotoffset INTEGER );That is pretty basic and does not include a primary key, but that is enough to test a database. Now we need the insert string, which can be had by this command:
./ais_msg_1.py -d -T sql -t nmea \ '!AIVDM,1,1,,B,14QsCc0001JA7Cv>gfkhJa?@0D0w,0*71'This results in an insert string like this:
INSERT INTO position (RegionalReserved,NavigationStatus,\ COG,SOG,slotoffset,Position_longitude,RepeatIndicator,\ UserID,RAIM,syncstate,TimeStamp,Spare,PositionAccuracy,\ MessageID,TrueHeading,ROT,Position_latitude) VALUES \ (0,0,10.6,0.1,10247,-80.147415,0,304010156,0,0,40,0,0,1,\ 295,0,25.77015833333333333333333333);Now paste those two commands into an sqlite database:
sqlite3 ais.db3 [paste CREATE and then INSERT here]Now you have a database.
sqlite> SELECT UserID FROM position; 304010156
01.21.2007 20:27
scipy arrays in C
I have been trying to figure out how to use scipy's faster arrays in C
so that I can just access the data as a casted array from C (Barry's
suggestion.) The documentation for this stuff is a twisted maze of
headers with very few comments and no autogenerated summary docs or
clear examples. Perhaps there is a web page or two that I need to
discover, so if you know of a great example, please let me know! Here
is what I did so far to prove the concept and try to do this correctly
and compliant with the latest APIs. I could easy be wrong, but it
"works for me" with python 2.5 and...
i numarray-py25 1.5.2-1 Multidim'l numerical arrays for Python i scipy-core-py25 1.0.1-1 Replacement for Numeric python i scipy-py25 1:0.5.2-3 Scientific tools for PythonFirst the python code to create arrays and pass them into C.
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy a = numpy.core.array((1.1,2.2,3.3,4.9)) print 'len a in py:',a,type(a) import karray karray.try1(a) print a ###################### import array a2 = array.array('d',(4.5,6.7)) print 'len a2 in py:',a2,type(a2) karray.try1(a2) print a2Both of the above ways work to create an array for the C code. Is one of these better than the other?
#include <assert.h> #include <Python.h> #include <numarray/libnumarray.h> static PyObject*try1(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { PyObject *anArray=0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &anArray)) return 0; printf ("isBuffer: %s\n",(isBuffer(anArray)?"yes":"no")); printf ("getBufferSize: %d\n", getBufferSize(anArray)); { void *buffer=0; double *bufferDouble=0; long buffersize=-1; size_t len=-1; if ((buffersize = NA_getBufferPtrAndSize(anArray, 0, &buffer)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"NA_getBufferPtrAndSize failed\n"); return 0; } len = buffersize/sizeof(double); printf ("buffersize: %ld -> %d\n",buffersize,(int)len); assert(buffer); bufferDouble = (double *)buffer; printf ("%lf\n",bufferDouble[0]); bufferDouble[0]=-99.3; // Prove that I can change a value } return Py_BuildValue("i",1); // Dummy return of an int } static PyMethodDef karrayMethods[] = { {"try1", try1, METH_VARARGS, "FIX: put doc here"}, {0} }; void initkarray(void) { Py_InitModule("karray", karrayMethods); import_libnumarray(); }The above try1 function takes an array of type array.array or numpy.ndarray and then starts working with the object without much error checking. Inside the inner {}, you can see that I get the buffer and its length. Then I assume that a 1D double array is passed into the function. I set the first value in the array to show that changes can be passed back from C to Python in the array. If you use the array.array style, make sure to use 'd' for doubles otherwise you will see strange results. 'f' will not work right.
len a in py: [ 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.9]isBuffer: yes getBufferSize: 32 buffersize: 32 -> 4 1.100000 [ 99.3 2.2 3.3 4.9] ======== len a2 in py: array('d', [4.5, 6.7000000000000002]) isBuffer: yes getBufferSize: 16 buffersize: 16 -> 2 4.500000 array('d', [99.299999999999997, 6.7000000000000002])
01.21.2007 10:17
Whale tracking GoogleEarth demo
This Google Earth demo by Schwehr and Weber illustrates ideas about
visualizing acoustic tracking of whale calls and integration with
visual overflight observations. I must emphasize that this is NOT
real data. This is my first try at including a Screen Overlay in GE
and a view point. The overlay was pretty easy, but the view point
control took a few tries to get right.

01.19.2007 15:10
Back up after power outage
UNH had another power outage today. The story I heard is that a
transformer went at the TV station and took out most of the campus
with it.
01.19.2007 09:25
Mac Optical drive info
Want to know what your mac's optical drive is capable of? I just
found this command yesterday and here are the results from my 4xG5
drutil info Vendor Product Rev HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4165B C006 Interconnect: ATAPI SupportLevel: Apple Shipping Cache: 2048k CD-Write: -R, -RW, BUFE, CDText, Test, IndexPts, ISRC DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW, BUFE, Test Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
01.18.2007 07:46
NOAA Online: Block Island Sound
on NOAA chart online.
It this really a NOAA server? EyeSpy []
Maybe it is some sort of hosting thing. But you can get there from NOAA's Atlantic Coast Chart On-Line Viewer.
It this really a NOAA server? EyeSpy []
Maybe it is some sort of hosting thing. But you can get there from NOAA's Atlantic Coast Chart On-Line Viewer.
traceroute ... 10 noaa-rtr.maxgigapop.net ( 12.234 ms * 12.204 ms 11 ( 12.345 ms 12.842 ms 12.360 ms 12 ( 12.423 ms 12.355 ms * * ...

01.18.2007 07:37
Updates to GoogleEarth documentation
OGLE Earth says
Google has updated the KML documentation.
KML Samples
MIME types for Apache. This I need to try out.
KML Samples
MIME types for Apache. This I need to try out.
AddType application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml .kml AddType application/vnd.google-earth.kmz .kmz
01.17.2007 20:19
ISIS Planetary Image Processing for the Mac
They still have this strange rsync software delivery process which
makes it impossible to integrate with fink, but I do appreciate the
Mac OSX support.
=================================================== ISIS 3.1.5 RELEASE 2007/01/17 - Mac OS X Compatible =================================================== A new version of Isis 3 is now available. For download and installation information please see the Isis 3 Installation Guide: . http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/documents/InstallGuide . To view the release notes, click on the following link: . http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/IsisSupport/viewtopic.php?t=1130 . If you are only interested in HiRISE processing, and/or are restricted as to the amount of space you have available for ISIS and its ancillary data, then you can choose to only install the base and MRO specific data areas. To do this, use the following commands: . - cd $ISISROOT/../data - rsync -avz isisdist.wr.usgs.gov:isis3data/data/base . - rsync -avz isisdist.wr.usgs.gov:isis3data/data/mro . . If you have a multi-OS environment, it is possible, and recommended, that you set it up so all versions share the same data area. To do this, simply set the environment variable "ISIS3DATA" to the equivalent of "$ISISROOT/../data" *after* sourcing the ISIS3 startup file.
01.17.2007 20:15
0 degrees F
I think AccuWeather needs to link about their algorithm for displaying
the low. When the low of the day is above the current temperature,
perhaps something needs to be changed 

01.16.2007 10:59
Tonight at 7PM - "Inconvenient Truth"
Sierra Club to show 'Inconvenient Truth' [seacoastonline.com]
Join Seacoast Sierra Club to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" -- Al Gore's shocking and inspiring movie about global warming and what we can do about it -- Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m. in the Dover CIty Hall auditorium. Everyone is welcome.
01.13.2007 17:55
Panbo has an
article on the Iris
PC Radar. The big questions for me are how much and does this
think have linux drivers?
01.13.2007 15:46
Construct for python
Construct sounds pretty
exciting! Can I use this to declare the contents of an AIS message at
the bit level? Will it be much faster than BitVector? From the web page...
Being declarative means you directly define the data structure, not the code that parses it. This means you can export your definition to ML, or write a code generator that takes a construct and converts it to a C module, just to name a few ideas.
Being declarative means you directly define the data structure, not the code that parses it. This means you can export your definition to ML, or write a code generator that takes a construct and converts it to a C module, just to name a few ideas.
- Bit-level - you can work with individual bits and non-aligned fields without hassle
- Byte ordering - supports both little and big endian byte ordering
- Componentized - combine the primitives into more complex constructs
- Symmetrical - constructs can both parse (create an object from raw data) and build (create raw data from an object)
- Ready - comes with many built-in primitives and inventory constructs that you can use out-of-the-box.
- Declarative - you write a data structure, not code.
- Easy to debug - much easier to correct a data structure instead of code
- Easy to test - componentization means that once a component works, it always works. You can easily share constructs between modules without something breaking.
- Easy to extend - when the need arises, just subclass your very own construct
- Thread-safe - Construct is fully thread safe; you can parse the same construct in parallel threads.
01.12.2007 14:41
gdal 1.4.0 in fink
I am just about to check in gdal 1.4.0 into fink. Why is this so
interesting? This lets anyone create a GoogleEarth S57 ENC in just a
couple minutes.
For Mac users...
Now unzip the file. "cd ENC_ROOT/US3EC10M/" and run this command (once you have gdal 1.4.0 installed).
For Mac users...
fink selfupdate fink install gdalGo to NOAA ENC. Scroll way down to PROCEED. Select the "Textual" interface. Change the "Show" drop down from 20 to 617. Search for Cape Cod. Check the box next to "Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod - US3EC10M". Press "Review Selections" at the top of the page. Press "Order Selections." Press "Download."
Now unzip the file. "cd ENC_ROOT/US3EC10M/" and run this command (once you have gdal 1.4.0 installed).
ogr2ogr -f KML US3EC10M.kml US3EC10M.000Now run "open US3EC10M.kml" and turn off all layers accept DSID, CBLSUB, COALNE, RECARE, RESARE, TSSBND, TSSLPT, and USSARE.

01.12.2007 10:24
NOAA Estuarine Bathymetry in Google Earth
- Data in Google Earth format. Stops just at the point where I need
the data. But still very cool.

01.12.2007 09:53
3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator on Mac
What is the difference between the SpaceNavigator SE and PE? The SE
gets you support phone calls for an extra $50. Same hardware.
I was all excited to install a SpaceNavigator on my Mac. I had to install the deta driver (3dxwaremacPE-v0_1_0.dmg) and restart my mac. Now sketch crashes and I find this lovely set of messages in the system log.
After that first time of removing the SpaceNavigator, I can now kill and start SkeptUp without any troubles while leaving the device plugged in.
This is all using a 4xG5 2.5 GHz PowerPC machine running 10.4.8 and Google SketchUp 6.0.277.
I was all excited to install a SpaceNavigator on my Mac. I had to install the deta driver (3dxwaremacPE-v0_1_0.dmg) and restart my mac. Now sketch crashes and I find this lovely set of messages in the system log.
3DxSketchup Plug-in: [74] Initializing... 3DxSketchup Plug-in: [95] 3Dconnexion device init OK? 1 tdxInit OK. clientid=8198 2007-01-12 09:41:00.231 3DxSketchUpHelper[620] #3DxSketchUpHelper#[34] imgPath=/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/3DxSketchUp.bundle.plugin/Contents/MacOS/3DxSketchUpHelper.app/Contents/Resources/banner.jpg 3DxSketchup Plug-in: active model not available 3DxSketchup Plug-in: active model not available 3DxSketchup Plug-in: [117] Initialization complete. free_Command free_Command free_Command free_Command #3DxSketchUpHelper# /Users/ep/svn_seefeld/3dxsketchup/trunk/extension/macdev/../src/mac/HelperController.m[56] 3DxSketchUpHelper is exiting... 3DxSketchup Plug-in: active model not available terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' what(): 3DxSketchup Plug-in: active model not availableIf I unplug the SpaceNavigator, start SketchUp 6, add come model elements, then plug in the SpaceNavigator, then it works. The mapping is exactly opposite of what I expect. You move the model, not the camera, so I can barely move around with the device. It takes about 10 minutes to get used to this mapping.
After that first time of removing the SpaceNavigator, I can now kill and start SkeptUp without any troubles while leaving the device plugged in.
This is all using a 4xG5 2.5 GHz PowerPC machine running 10.4.8 and Google SketchUp 6.0.277.
01.12.2007 08:33
ice/air boat
Check out the Husky airboat that is good for on the ice. Ice
no obstacle for new rescue boat [NBC Saint Paul] How does the hull
look after a few weeks of using it?

01.11.2007 08:17
NOAA Volutary Observing Ship (VOS) Weather Feed in Google Earth
NOAA Voluntary
Observing Ship (VOS) Weather Feed for Google Earth
01.10.2007 11:51
Comments on SOAP
Wow... this is kind of how I have been feeling about SOAP. My 1st day
with SOAP was great. Then I learn that the SOAP library I was using
is no longer supported (SOAPpy). Then I learned that ZSI and Apache
Axis do not play well together. Then I tried just creating a SOAP
request and parsing the reply myself. Then I tried OPeNDAP.
The S Stands For Simple
The S Stands For Simple
01.09.2007 22:36
Simplest python C module
Here is about the simplest possible C module (taken from Extending
Python with C: Part 1[pyzine]. First the C source (tiny.c):
#include <Python.h> /* the function that is callable from python */ static PyObject* tiny(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) /* proto for all exposed funcs */ { if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")) /* receive arguments (no args) */ return 0; /* propagate error if any */ return Py_BuildValue("s","it works!"); /* build and return result */ } /* Lookup table of functions */ static PyMethodDef tinyMethods[] = { /* methods exposed from module */ {"tiny", tiny, METH_VARARGS, "A tiny function"}, /* descriptor */ {0} /* sentinel */ }; /* Hook into python */ void inittiny(void) /* called by Python on import */ { Py_InitModule("tiny", tinyMethods); /* init module with methods */ }Here is the distutils based setup.py file that compiles the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup, Extension setup( name="samples", version="0.1", ext_modules = [ Extension("tiny",["tiny.c"]) ] )Now install and run the module. This is for python2.5 on fink/mac osx. The path will be different on other systems.
chmod +x setup.py mkdir inst ./setup.py install --root=inst running install running build running build_ext building 'tiny' extension gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp -mno-fused-madd -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I/sw/include/python2.5 -c tiny.c -o build/temp.macosx-10.4-ppc-2.5/tiny.o g cc -L/sw/lib -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup build/temp.macosx-10.4-ppc-2.5/tiny.o -o build/lib.macosx-10.4-ppc-2.5/tiny.so running install_lib copying build/lib.macosx-10.4-ppc-2.5/tiny.so -> inst/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages running install_egg_info Removing inst/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/samples-0.1-py2.5.egg-info Writing inst/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/samples-0.1-py2.5.egg-infoTiny has limited documentation.
PYTHONPATH=inst/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages ipython In [1]: import tiny In [2]: tiny.tiny() Out[2]: 'it works!'
help (tiny.tiny) Help on built-in function tiny in module tiny:
tiny(...) A tiny function
01.09.2007 16:24
Google Earth 4 released
Google Earth 4 is now officially released. My copy on the mac says it
is version 4.0.2722.
01.09.2007 15:50
Apple iPhone

Available in June and definitely out of my price range. This text from their website is a little strange. Would have thought that they would have gotten approval first. Perhaps the process would have blown the secrecy.
This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
01.09.2007 15:11
Python - C/C++ integration
Integrating existing C/C++ code or converting python to C/C++ are
common tasks for python folks. There are many ways to attack this
problem. Which one you use depends on many factors, but here are some
starting points.
- ctypes
- ctypes at sf - pre-inclusion to python 2.5
- ctypes in python 2.5
- header to ctypes
- SWIG - build interfaces for many languages
- Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter [docs.python.org]
- Python/C API Reference Manual [docs.python.org]
- SIP - created for PyQT
- PyCXX - inline C code
- Weave - another inlining package [scipy.org]
- Instant inlining of C/C++ code in Python. ("built on top of SWIG" but claims to only work on unix systems)
- PyRex
- PyInline
01.09.2007 11:37
US sub hits Japanesse ship
From the Fairplay Daily News Headlines:
US nuclear sub hits Japanese VLCC NO injuries have been reported after a US Navy submarine collided with a Japanese VLCC south of the Straits of Hormuz last night.
01.09.2007 09:07
Google SketchUp 6 released
I haven't even had a chance to touch the last version that is installed on my machine, but Google SketchUp 6 was just released.
01.09.2007 09:06
3Dconnexion spacenavigator for Mac OSX
Works on Mac OS X [GoogleEarthBlog]
Have to grab the one that our lab has and give it a try today.
Have to grab the one that our lab has and give it a try today.
01.08.2007 15:51
MIT Open Course Ware - Spatial Data Systems classes
Check out these two courses at MIT... How different would these
courses be if they were taught in 2007 instead of 2003/4?
Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems
Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems
01.08.2007 10:15
Google Earth textured buildings
Google Earth now has texture mapped buildings. Go google! Here is on
in San Francisco. Just wish they would get to the Hampton
Roads/Norfolk area!

01.08.2007 09:22
Google Earth updating issues
Looks like Google is still working out deployment issues with Google
Earth. Yesterday, I checked for updates to GE on the mac and GE
claimed there were none. Knowing otherwise, I downloaded a new
version from the web. Today, I tried the same on another computer. I
got the download, installed it, and it immediately said that I should
update... wow. But my copy was just 2 minutes old. Then when I down
loaded what was supposed to be 4.0.2723, it claims to be 4.0.2722 with
a build date of a few days ago.... and it does not prompt me for a new
version. When I go into check of updates, it wants me to download yet
another dmg. This is quirky, but not really a big deal.

01.07.2007 14:58
PPC/Intel Mac OSX endian
JJ has been looking into handling byte order issues between Mac OSX on
PPC and x86. I only have a PPC mac right now. Here is my quick
exploration of endian. I should see what works on an x86 box, but I'm
not on the net, nor do I have the qemu simulator installed that would
give me a whole bunch of os images to try. Is there a vms emulator
out there? That would be a twisted flashback to the late 80's
(e.g. {hal,gal}.arc.nasa.gov to anyone who remembers those boxes).
I dug through the headers on my system and found these macros. I don't know if any are a part of a standard.
For reference, here is a program from my density package tells the endian for a machine. It doesn't handle some of the stranger endians.
If someone has a really great reference on dealing with these nagging issues, please send me a link to it!
I dug through the headers on my system and found these macros. I don't know if any are a part of a standard.
// g++ -o endian -Wall -g3 endian.C #include <iostream> #include <sys/sysctl.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // sys/wait.h cout << "__DARWIN_BYTE_ORDER " << __DARWIN_BYTE_ORDER << "\n"; cout << "__DARWIN_LITTLE_ENDIAN " << __DARWIN_LITTLE_ENDIAN << "\n"; cout << "__DARWIN_BIG_ENDIAN " << __DARWIN_BIG_ENDIAN << "\n"; // sys/sysctl.h cout << "HW_BYTEORDER " << HW_BYTEORDER << "\n"; // libkern/OSByteOrder.h #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ cout << "__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ " <<__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ << "\n"; #endif #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ cout << "__BIG_ENDIAN__ " << __BIG_ENDIAN__ << "\n"; #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }Here is what I get on my G4:
./endian __DARWIN_BYTE_ORDER 4321 __DARWIN_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 __DARWIN_BIG_ENDIAN 4321 HW_BYTEORDER 4 __BIG_ENDIAN__ 1I really wish that there was a standard unix command line tool that gave details on byte order and formats for both integers and floats.
For reference, here is a program from my density package tells the endian for a machine. It doesn't handle some of the stranger endians.
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main(void) { int s; char *c=(char *)&s; c[0]=0x00; c[1]=0x01; c[2]=0x02; c[3]=0x03; if (0x00010203==s) {printf("BIGENDIAN" );return(EXIT_SUCCESS);} if (0x03020100==s) {printf("LITTLEENDIAN");return(EXIT_SUCCESS);} printf("ERROR!!! I can not cope with this beast... HELP!!!!\n"); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }There are also are all the byte order handling like utonl, htons, ntohl, and ntohs.
If someone has a really great reference on dealing with these nagging issues, please send me a link to it!
01.07.2007 10:39
macro photography
I got inspired to play with my point and shoot Nikon Coolpix 4600 by
jwz's macro
photos. My camera and lense are not even close to the quality of
his, but it was still fun to try it out.

01.06.2007 13:27
Bruce Schneier on licensing boaters
on Security: Licensing Boaters
There are lots of good reasons to license boats and boaters, just as there are to license cars and drivers. But counterterrorism is not one of them.
01.06.2007 13:21
Multifocus composite image
Saw this linked from JWZ's livejournal site. Nice to see some of the
content that was on reality.sgi.com come back from the dead.
A Multifocus Method for Controlling Depth of Field page by Paul Haeberli. Similiar to the depth from focus done by Mark Lemmon with the MER microscopic imager (accept that the camera was moved, not the focus of the camera).
A Multifocus Method for Controlling Depth of Field page by Paul Haeberli. Similiar to the depth from focus done by Mark Lemmon with the MER microscopic imager (accept that the camera was moved, not the focus of the camera).

01.06.2007 13:13
How is this winter?
This Dashboard image does not even say it all. It is over 60 degrees
F and sunny. Is this really New Hampshire???

01.05.2007 15:37
Waterlevel messages to kml
I just gave the waterlevel messages a go to verify that I could take a
NMEA string for a binary message and extract a kml placemark.
First get the binary payload from the msg 8 packet:
First get the binary payload from the msg 8 packet:
./ais_msg_8.py -d -t nmea '!AIVDM,1,1,,A,8E2HHThen, I have to paste that binary string into the waterlevel decoder:=dtdd<=B4qI:`Zd0000?3@qF000BeH0,0*12' BinaryData: MessageID: 8 RepeatIndicator: 1 UserID: 338040883 Spare: 0 BinaryData: 000000010110111000010000000\ 00001000100101011010110000000001110001101101100111100\ 101100101100001100001101010010000100111001011001001010\ 101000100010101100000000000000000000000000001111000011\ 010000111001010110000000000000000000010010101101011000\ 000000
./waterlevel.py -d -t binary -T kml-full '0000000\ 101101110000100000000000100010010101101011000000000111\ 000110110110011110010110010110000110000110101001000010\ 011100101100100101010100010001010110000000000000000000\ 000000000111100001101000011100101011000000000000000000\ 0010010101101011000000000' > wl-8632200.kml open wl-8632200.kmlWith that, I have a nice view of the tide guage data via AIS (ais-over-internet).

01.05.2007 15:09
noaadata ais to kml
I just got kml generation working for my noaadata project. The code
generator looks for the first fields names containing "longitude" and
"latitude" and uses these for positioning the message pop-up. Expect
to see this work in the noaadata-0.9 release. It also looks for a
titlefield attribute in the message field. It then uses this subfield
for the name field within the kml.
View the resulting GoogleEarth file: 371798000.kml
./ais_msg_1.py --decode -T kml-full -t nmea '!AIVDM,1,1,,A,15RTgt0PAso;90TKcjM8h6g208CQ,0*4A,r003679900,1168010561' > 371798000.kml
View the resulting GoogleEarth file: 371798000.kml

01.05.2007 10:30
noaadata python package provides AIS decoding
My new noaadata package includes ais message handling. Here is a
quick demo of what it can do as of version 0.8. You can download it
here: http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/ais/waterlevel/downloads/
(Note: this location may change in the future).
First, here is an N-AIS ship position message in its native NMEA-AIS format. I grabbed this one at random from the stream. I don't know what ship this is or where it is located.
What if I want to see a pretty html for that has the entries decoded by lookup tables if possible? That is now trival to do!
And finally, we should have Google Earth show us where that was.
First, here is an N-AIS ship position message in its native NMEA-AIS format. I grabbed this one at random from the stream. I don't know what ship this is or where it is located.
!AIVDM,1,1,,A,15RTgt0PAso;90TKcjM8h6g208CQ,0*4A,r003679900,1168010561Now, I can ask ais_msg_1.py for help.
./ais_msg_1.py -h Usage: ais_msg_1.py [options] Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --doc-test run the documentation tests --unit-test run the unit tests -v, --verbose Make the test output verbose -t IOTYPE, --type=IOTYPE What kind of string to expect (binary, nmeapayload, nmea) [default: nmeapayload] -T OUTPUTTYPE, --output-type=OUTPUTTYPE What kind of string to output (std, html, xml) [default: std] -o OUTPUTFILENAME, --output=OUTPUTFILENAME Name of the python file to write [default: stdout] -d, --decode decode a "position" AIS message -e, --encode encode a "position" AIS message --RepeatIndicator-field=uint Field parameter value [default: 0] --UserID-field=uint Field parameter value [default: none] ...I want to decode the message to see what is in there:
./ais_msg_1.py -d -t nmea \ '!AIVDM,1,1,,A,15RTgt0PAso;90TKcjM8h6g208CQ,0*4A,r003679900,1168010561'Note that slotoffset is not right. The library can't currently decode conditionals. Also, the rate of turn is not right either. The library does not support decodings other than linear. ROT requires a sqrt.
position: MessageID: 1 RepeatIndicator: 0 UserID: 371798000 NavigationStatus: 0 ROT: -127 SOG: 12.3 PositionAccuracy: 1 Position_longitude: -123.395383333 Position_latitude: 48.38163333333 COG: 224 TrueHeading: 215 TimeStamp: 33 RegionalReserved: 0 Spare: 0 RAIM: False syncstate: 0 slotoffset: 4252
What if I want to see a pretty html for that has the entries decoded by lookup tables if possible? That is now trival to do!
./ais_msg_1.py -d -t nmea -T html '!AIVDM,1,1,,A,15RTgt0PAso;90TKcjM8h6g208CQ,0*4A,r003679900,1168010561' > msg.html open msg.htmlHere is what msg.html contains. I did a a couple quick edits to make it look nicer in the blog. First, I removed all extra white space in the html. Second, I shorted the decimal values. Third, I changed a header 3 tag to a bold tag.
Field Name | Type | Value | Value in Lookup Table |
MessageID | uint | 1 | 1 |
RepeatIndicator | uint | 0 | default |
UserID | uint | 371798000 | 371798000 |
NavigationStatus | uint | 0 | under way using engine |
ROT | int | -127 | -127 |
SOG | udecimal | 12.3 | Missing LUT entry |
PositionAccuracy | uint | 1 | high (greater than 10 m) |
Position_longitude | decimal | -123.3953833 | -123.3953833 |
Position_latitude | decimal | 48.38163333 | 48.38163333 |
COG | udecimal | 224 | 224 |
TrueHeading | uint | 215 | 215 |
TimeStamp | uint | 33 | Missing LUT entry |
RegionalReserved | uint | 0 | 0 |
Spare | uint | 0 | 0 |
RAIM | bool | False | not in use |
syncstate | uint | 0 | UTC direct |
slotoffset | uint | 4252 | 4252 |
And finally, we should have Google Earth show us where that was.

01.05.2007 09:59
Finding this made my day. Noaa has NOAA RSS which should make an easy
way to stay connected with NOAA. There are also podcasts, which I
have yet to check out.

01.04.2007 09:13
pydap success
Thanks to Roberto De Almeida for replying to my posts on the pydap
google group (http://groups.google.com/group/pydap),
I now have a working test script that pulls just one row of data from
the NOAA CO-OPS server. I have a serious speed problem (22 seconds to
fetch), but this is great and I am now not depending on the obsolete
SOAPpy package. Note that someone has picked SOAPpy back up and
started maintaining it,but most of the developers are on to ZSI.
Here is my small test script to fetch one waterlevel point.
Here is my small test script to fetch one waterlevel point.
#!/usr/bin/env python import dap.client import urllib dataset=dap.client.open('http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level') seq = dataset['WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX'] reqStr=urllib.quote('_STATION_ID="1615680"&_BEGIN_DATE="20060101 10:06"&_END_DATE="20060101 10:06"&_DATUM="MLLW"') print 'reqStr:',reqStr filt_seq=seq.filter(reqStr) data = filt_seq._get_data() # Is this bad - using private method? print 'Found this many waterlevel points:',len(data) print data[-1]
01.03.2007 18:53
pydap retrieves NOAA waterlevel raw 6 minute data
Many thanks to Rob Cermak on the pydap mailing list for helping me
figure this out. Clearly, I have more to learn about how to do these
queries efficiently. However, this is good enough for now.
Have I lost you yet???
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Try out pydap to fetch the current water level from the NOAA Co-ops server. This is a really slow way to pull one data point! ''' import dap.client dataset=dap.client.open('http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level') # print 'Dataset keys:' for item in dataset.keys(): print ' ',item seq = dataset['WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX'] filt_seq=seq.filter('_STATION_ID="1615680"&_BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&_END_DATE="20060101"&_DATUM="MLLW"') print 'filter keys:' for item in filt_seq.keys(): print ' ',item # # Print the results. To just get field, do this... # print 'Just the WL_VALUE field:',filt_seq['WL_VALUE'][:][-1] # # Fetch all the fields... print 'One data point:' for item in filt_seq.keys(): print ' ',item,':',filt_seq[item][:][-1]When I run the above, I get this after a long wait. I really am fetching too many points and I am refetching for each field.
./test_pydap.py Dataset keys: WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX filter keys: _STATION_ID _DATUM _BEGIN_DATE _END_DATE DCP SENSOR_ID DATE_TIME WL_VALUE SIGMA O F R L Just the WL_VALUE field: 0.474 One data point: _STATION_ID : 1615680 _DATUM : MLLW _BEGIN_DATE : 20060101 _END_DATE : 20060101 DCP : 1 SENSOR_ID : A1 DATE_TIME : l WL_VALUE : 0.474 SIGMA : 0.064 O : 0 F : 0 R : 0 L : 0The answer on speed is to both constrain the time window to the 6 minute interval (thereby not pulling the whole day) and getting all the fields in one call. I was able to do the later from ipython like this:
filt_seq._get_data() ... ('1615680', 'MLLW', '20060101', '20060101', '1', 'A1', 'Jan 1 2006 11:48PM', 0.43099999999999999, 0.097000000000000003, 0, 0, 0, 0), ('1615680', 'MLLW', '20060101', '20060101', '1', 'A1', 'Jan 1 2006 11:54PM', 0.47399999999999998, 0.064000000000000001, 0, 0, 0, 0)]For some reason, I can't do this from a script? This happens if I tack a _get_data() on the end of the above script. I get this loveliness:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test_pydap.py", line 25, inI am not sure what that java SQL error is about. But when I use a very limited script, it all works?data = filt_seq._get_data() File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/dtypes.py", line 223, in _get_data return _build_data(self.level, *[var.data for var in self.values()]) File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/dtypes.py", line 517, in _build_data out = [_build_data(level-1, *els) for els in itertools.izip(*vars_)] File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/proxy.py", line 37, in __iter__ return iter(self[:]) File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/proxy.py", line 105, in __getitem__ resp, data = openurl(url, self.cache, self.username, self.password) File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dap/util/http.py", line 21, in openurl raise ClientError(msg) dap.exceptions.ClientError: 'Server error 0: "java.sql.SQLException: JZ006: Caught IOException: java.io.IOException: JZ0PA: The query has been cancelled and the response discarded. The cancel was probably issued by another statement on the connection.";\n};\nError {\n code = 0;\n message = "java.sql.SQLException: JZ0S2: Statement object has already been closed."'
#!/usr/bin/env python import dap.client dataset=dap.client.open('http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level') seq = dataset['WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX'] filt_seq=seq.filter('_STATION_ID="1615680"&_BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&_END_DATE="20060101"&_DATUM="MLLW"') data = filt_seq._get_data() print 'Found this many waterlevel points:',len(data) print data[-1]Results in this:
./test_pydap2.py Dataset keys: WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX Found this many waterlevel points: 240 ('1615680', 'MLLW', '20060101', '20060101', '1', 'A1', 'Jan 1 2006 11:54PM', 0.47399999999999998, 0.064000000000000001, 0, 0, 0, 0)Now to jump back to that performance problem. I only want one sample, not 240. Pulling only one should be much faster. If I try limiting the start and end dates by adding time, that should work, but it doesn't.
filt_seq=seq.filter('_STATION_ID="1615680"&_BEGIN_DATE="20060101 10:00"&_END_DATE="20060101 11:00"&_DATUM="MLLW"')Gives another server side error.
dap.exceptions.ClientError: 'Server error 3: "Encountered \'\\\'20060101\' at line 1, column 65.\nWas expecting one of:\n \'*\' ...\n \'{\' ...\nWhen formatted for humans......\n ...\n ...\n ...\n ";\n};\nError {\n code = 0;\n message = "java.sql.SQLException: JZ0S2: Statement object has already been closed."'
dap.exceptions.ClientError: Server error 3: "Encountered '\'20060101\' at line 1, column 65. Was expecting one of: \'*\' ... \'{\' ...Does this mean there is an error in the server side parser? The spec (Raw_Water_Level.das) says that this should be okay, right?... ... ... ... "; }; Error { code = 0; message = "java.sql.SQLException: JZ0S2: Statement object has already been closed."
_BEGIN_DATE { String long_name "REQUIRED 8- to 14-character Begin Date (yyyymmdd hh:mi) surrounded in double quotes"; String Examples " 20040321 OR 20030712 19:02 "; }I do have a 14 character string. Hmmm. Rob Cermak had an example URL for pulling the data. Time to try out the URL query method. Try it in a pop-up window.
http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level.ascii?\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE&WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._STATION_ID="1615680"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._DATUM="MLLW"&WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._END_DATE="20060102"&WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE!=-999.9You can try that on the command line something like this, but remove the \ characters and make it one monster line.
wget -O data 'http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level.ascii?\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE&WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._STATION_ID="1615680"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._DATUM="MLLW"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._END_DATE="20060102"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE!=-999.9' # Then check out the results... wc -l data 488 data head data Dataset { Sequence { Float64 WL_VALUE; } WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX; } WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX; ============================================= WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE 0.436 0.466 0.428Note that I switched out the - for = to not freak out nano blogger. Now I should be able to specify time and get fewer results.
wget -O data.1hr 'http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level.ascii?\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE& WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._STATION_ID="1615680"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._DATUM="MLLW"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._END_DATE="20060102"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE!=-999.9' # Then check out the results... wc -l data.1hr 19 data.1hrI can also pull the times for those samples.
wget -O data.1hr 'http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level.ascii?\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.DATE_TIME& WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._STATION_ID="1615680"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._DATUM="MLLW"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._BEGIN_DATE="20060101"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX._END_DATE="20060102"&\ WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.WL_VALUE!=-999.9'Which give:
Dataset { Sequence { String DATE_TIME; } WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX; } WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX; =================================== WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX.DATE_TIME "Jan 1 2006 10:00AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:06AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:12AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:18AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:24AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:30AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:36AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:42AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:48AM" "Jan 1 2006 10:54AM" "Jan 1 2006 11:00AM"I do not understand why I can't get a smaller time window through dap, but it does work through a URL.
Have I lost you yet???

01.03.2007 12:34
OPeNDAP confusion
I decided to give OPeNDAP a try. It all sounds great, but getting to
the data that I want does not seem to come easily. I built fink
packages for the python dap library (pydap.org) and httplib2, both of which are
in vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/software/fink.
I had a little trouble with the setuptools/ez_setup based install so
there is a hack in there that copies dap/__init__.py into the
installation directory. Once I got pydap working (aka dap-py24 and
dap-py25), the examples in the documentation work. But trying to go
to the NOAA DODS server, I get stuck. Here is what I have so far.
ipython2.4Now what? I am not quite sure how to setup the query. I figured it was time to try out a GUI dap/dods type tool, so I gave OPeNDAP Data Connector (ODC). I think this will take work to figure out how to fetch and view the waterlevel NOAA data that I am looking for.
import dap.client dataset=dap.client.open('http://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/dods/IOOS/Raw_Water_Level') wl = dataset.WATERLEVEL_RAW_PX
wl.keys() ['_STATION_ID', '_DATUM', '_BEGIN_DATE', '_END_DATE', 'DCP', 'SENSOR_ID', 'DATE_TIME', 'WL_VALUE', 'SIGMA', 'O', 'F', 'R', 'L']
type(wl) <class 'dap.dtypes.SequenceType'&gr;

01.03.2007 08:46
The "Dumbness of Crowds"
A fun quick read:
The "Dumbness of Crowds" [Creating Passionate Users blog]
The "Dumbness of Crowds" [Creating Passionate Users blog]
Art isn't made by committee. Great design isn't made by consensus. True wisdom isn't captured from a crowd.My only question is "What is the Y-axis of these 4 plots?"

01.02.2007 13:50
No Mac support for 3DConnecion SpaceNavigator??!!??
We just got a SpaceNavigator at the lab (Ogle
Earth review). I have had a serial spacemouse for a while, but
the drive issue has been frustrating. I wrote my own driver, but for
some reason it locks up the spacemouse. I was hoping that the
SpaceNavigator would just work with GoogleEarth 4/Mac OSX 10.4.8, but
no such luck. Add to that, the 3D Connexion web page lists Mac OSX
through 10.3. but does not mention 10.4. However, the topper is that
their page still lists WorldToolkit, which no longer seems to exist.
Note: Here is what OgleEarth says about driver support
And the response from 3DConnexion:
Note: Here is what OgleEarth says about driver support
It comes with a driver (Windows XP, Mac promised) that integrates this device seamlessly with both Google Earth and SketchUp.
And the response from 3DConnexion:
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:55 pm Hello J.P.: . We are currently looking at a Mac solution for SpaceNavigator, which will most probably be available in the first quarter of next year. Please stay tuned for more information on this board. We will also look for beta testers. . And, if you can give us feedback on the applications you are running, that information is always welcome. . Ziva Nissan 3Dconnexion, Inc.
01.02.2007 09:42
LabView - Google Earth integration
I am no longer a LabView user now that I have moved to a new position,
but I see the possibility of extending Jeff Gee's LabView based
paleomagnetic acquisition software to allow input of the sample
location which could then link data directly into GoogleEarth.
Google Earth With LabVIEW 8.0 [NI forums]
Google Earth With LabVIEW 8.0 [NI forums]
01.02.2007 09:38
Making games in Google Earth
The "Mars Sucks" Game Concept and Design
So the game is silly, but it shows the possibilities for other applications built within the GoogleEarth application.
So the game is silly, but it shows the possibilities for other applications built within the GoogleEarth application.
01.02.2007 09:15
Intro to Google Earth by Google (video)
Google Earth Team's Jessica Pfund gave a one-hour Google Tech Talk that serves as a great introduction to Google EarthGoogleVideo
01.01.2007 17:26
Ben Smith's blog
Ben Smith has just joined the blog-o-sphere... s/v Mother of Perl and
the Hydrographic Dinghy - Current Events. If you know Ben, you
will not be surprised that his blog is powered by perl. I look
forward to hearing about his travels in the Caribbean as I look out my
window to the slushy snow out my window here in NH.
01.01.2007 11:52
Which superhero
My results:
You are Spider-Man
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You are Spider-Man
You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. ![]() |