07.31.2012 01:11
Django 1.4.1 - security release
Security releases issued
Today the Django team is issuing multiple releases -- Django 1.3.2 and Django 1.4.1 -- to remedy security issues reported to us. All users are encouraged to upgrade Django immediately. Cross-site scripting in authentication viewsI have updated Django in fink from 1.3.x to 1.4.1 to address this security issue.
07.08.2012 09:39
Learning JavaScript, CSS and HTML5
Update 2012-07-09: Thanks to James
Hiebert for suggesting that I watch these videos before digging in
to JavaScript: http://www.yuiblog.com/crockford/
Way back in the beginnings of JavaScript (aka ECMAScript) in 1996 when it came out in Netscape 2.0, I wrote it off as cheesy and not much more useful than making roll over buttons on web pages. Since then, my opinion has changed and I now see the power of JavaScript, especially when some killer js packages and use cases came out such as: Google Maps / OpenLayers, jQuery, Dojo, etc. But I just never seemed to pull off getting into it. jQuery just seemed completely foreign to me with it's . and I never got the DOM and CSS just seemed like a technology that would not pay me back for my effort. My html skills stayed pretty basic. Just a couple of years ago, I finally made my first HTML table. I'm just not a web guy and I've given up on GUI design in general. I loved XForms on the SGI back in the 1994 for it's simplicity.
But I really need to change this. I've started working towards getting ready for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) / Curiosity landing in under a month by reading the Wikipedia Mars Science Laboratory article and then starting into the Software Interface Specification (SIS) for the camera systems. SIS documents are not easy reading, so I need a break. Playing with JavaScript seems like a good topic for a break (and again this is Myche's fault).
I've looked at Xah's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tutorial. His material is always full of good information, but sadly something about his style and my style causes me to not totally grok it. Wish I get on the same wavelength because he is full of amazing technical ideas.
I've also tried things like the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine written in Java. This gave me a command line where I could fiddle with some JavaScript. But, I never got beyond simple math like 2+3 and "Hello " + "World". That didn't get me very far and I quickly lost interest. It was back to getting work done in python.
Yesterday, I bumped into the other end of the spectrum: JavaScript Tutorials by Jim Hoskins of Team TreeHouse (subscription service for web design and web programming videos). I watched his Intro to JavaScript Programming on YouTube and after making it past the very cheesy first 4 minutes, I discovered that he has a very pleasant and easy going style. He did a great job of showing that Chrome has a nice console mode where you can see what JavaScript is going and type some of your own.
Here is my index.html to go with this:
Way back in the beginnings of JavaScript (aka ECMAScript) in 1996 when it came out in Netscape 2.0, I wrote it off as cheesy and not much more useful than making roll over buttons on web pages. Since then, my opinion has changed and I now see the power of JavaScript, especially when some killer js packages and use cases came out such as: Google Maps / OpenLayers, jQuery, Dojo, etc. But I just never seemed to pull off getting into it. jQuery just seemed completely foreign to me with it's . and I never got the DOM and CSS just seemed like a technology that would not pay me back for my effort. My html skills stayed pretty basic. Just a couple of years ago, I finally made my first HTML table. I'm just not a web guy and I've given up on GUI design in general. I loved XForms on the SGI back in the 1994 for it's simplicity.
But I really need to change this. I've started working towards getting ready for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) / Curiosity landing in under a month by reading the Wikipedia Mars Science Laboratory article and then starting into the Software Interface Specification (SIS) for the camera systems. SIS documents are not easy reading, so I need a break. Playing with JavaScript seems like a good topic for a break (and again this is Myche's fault).
I've looked at Xah's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tutorial. His material is always full of good information, but sadly something about his style and my style causes me to not totally grok it. Wish I get on the same wavelength because he is full of amazing technical ideas.
I've also tried things like the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine written in Java. This gave me a command line where I could fiddle with some JavaScript. But, I never got beyond simple math like 2+3 and "Hello " + "World". That didn't get me very far and I quickly lost interest. It was back to getting work done in python.
Yesterday, I bumped into the other end of the spectrum: JavaScript Tutorials by Jim Hoskins of Team TreeHouse (subscription service for web design and web programming videos). I watched his Intro to JavaScript Programming on YouTube and after making it past the very cheesy first 4 minutes, I discovered that he has a very pleasant and easy going style. He did a great job of showing that Chrome has a nice console mode where you can see what JavaScript is going and type some of your own.

Here is my index.html to go with this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title>JavaSCript Foundations: Variables</title> <style> html { background: #FAFAFA; font-family: sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Java Script Foundations</h1> <h2>Strings</h2> <div id="myDiv"> This is a div with the id of "myDiv" </div> <textarea id="outupt" rows="10" cols="60">This is the default text for the textarea</textarea> <script src="strings.js"></script> <hr> <address></address> <!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Sun Jul 8 10:07:06 PDT 2012 <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html>And my mini strings.js:
/* JavaScript Strings */ var name = "Kurt"; console.log(name); var name2 = 'Schwehr'; console.log(name2);Thanks Jim!
07.07.2012 13:34
What's new in Google Maps and Earth
I feel very lucky to be a part of the
Google Geo team!
07.06.2012 20:41
WhaleAlert in NOAA News
United States leads on whale conservation
I'm excited that WhaleALERT made the list. I've added emphasis to the parts that I've worked directly on (I've indirectely helped on more of these items).
I'm excited that WhaleALERT made the list. I've added emphasis to the parts that I've worked directly on (I've indirectely helped on more of these items).
... "The United States looks forward to continuing its partnership with other countries on whale conservation," Wulff added. "It is imperative that the IWC focus more of its attention on global conservation problems such as climate change, by-catch, marine debris, disentanglement, pollution and ocean noise. This is important work, and we have seen a lot of progress so far, but we intend to continue the push in this area." Some of the programs the U.S. discussed at this year's IWC include: - Whale approach regulations and ship speed restrictions; - Traffic separation schemes; - Data base to track whale watching; - WhaleALERT mobile application for mariners to help reduce risk of ship and whale collisions; - Global partnership to look at marine debris impacts to whales; - Scientific workshop to look at marine debris impacts to whales; - Continued training of Argentina and Brazil in disentanglement response; - Acoustic studies looking at how human-made noise affects whale