09.29.2012 12:57

Exciting day!

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.26.2012 08:00

Google Oceans goes to the Great Barrier Reef

Jenifer and BAM kicked off an awesome release for Google Oceans yesterday!

Dive into the Great Barrier Reef with the first underwater panoramas in Google Maps

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.20.2012 21:27

Surprising python logical operation behavior

I ran into some trouble in some existing code and it took me a long time to figure out what exactly was wrong.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.19.2012 12:02

Using Chrome to control a drone quadcopter

I think the Chrome team is having too much fun

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.15.2012 22:45

Google Maps Mars Mania

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.15.2012 15:25

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.11.2012 22:05

Navy and Technology

I was interviewed by the team that created this video. I have no idea how they got from those interviews to this video. Judge for yourself.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.08.2012 09:48

Using statistics

Picking two random points from a data set to make a political point is a terrible thing. Especially when the full data set is so easily had. I response to someone posting the unemployment percent at the beginning of Obama's term and now. The implication was a straight line (linear) increase. I called a halt to the policical discussion. Why continue when the data is that FUBAR?

Google publicdata has the full time series Once you have this graph, you end up will a ton of other questions, but at least, you are have escaped the trap of the linear implication.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.02.2012 22:27

Large scale code changes

I really wanted a global regular expression query replace command in emacs, but barring that being obvious (yeah, I'm still not up to much in elisp), I came up with this in perl. I want to get rid of all fprintf command that have only rcs_id as their argument from mb-system. If a function is fprintf(stderr,"%s %s\n",rcs_id,something_else), then it should stay and I need to deal with it differently.
perl -ni.bak -e'print unless m!.*fprintf\(.*,\".*\",rcs_id\)\;!' mbtime.c
Looking at the diff, it did exactly what I want withou a lot of typing (I have 2 thousand of these to do).
diff mbtime.c mbtime.c.bak 
>            fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Version %s\n",rcs_id);
If you want to see how it did:
(for file in */*.bak; do echo ${file%%.bak} diff ${file%%.bak} $file; done) | less
(for file in */*.bak; do diff ${file%%.bak} $file; done) | grep fprintf  | wc -l
At work, someone broke out some very impressive awk fu last week. Wow. Crazy powerful, but weird (to me).

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.02.2012 15:09

not following your own conventions

Arg! Little things can cause lots of friction. I don't trust web server timestamps. But now I also have to not trust file naming conventions too. Note to all... if you are writing filenames with date stamps in them, please used numerically sorted formats (e.g. %Y%m%d for 20120902). Anything else is going to cause long term pain. Note: I'm using BeautifulSoup version 3 in this example. Version 4 is the latest.
%logstart -t '/home/schwehr/.ipython_log.py' append

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import re
import urllib2

url = 'http://vdatum.noaa.gov/download/data/'
vdatum_regex = re.compile(r'vdatum_regional(?P<d>[0-9][0-9])'
req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data = req.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
soup.findAll('a', href=vdatum_regex)

print [link['href'] for link in soup.findAll('a', href=vdatum_regex)]

So here are the things I see:
  • mmddyy is opposite of numerically sorting
  • wait, there is a ddmmyy in there - switching mm and dd
  • did we not learn anything from the hell of Y2K compliance? yy?
  • VDatum and one vdatum. Mixing capitalization. Fun
If the files had been named YYYYmmdd, my code to get the latest would have been much simpler.

Posted by Kurt | Permalink

09.01.2012 22:59

Using your revision control system, not comments to track history

https://github.com/schwehr/mb-system. e.g. https://github.com/schwehr/mb-system/commit/d8ab64034bb916bb8d50ac6f927b21173ea08b33

Back in the days of RCS, CVS and maybe even svn, it seemed like a good idea to use the $Log: $ tag in files. This caused the revision control system to put lines in the file each time there was a checkin. This type of system works okay for small, short lived projects. MB-System is neither small nor short lived. It's had two primary authors for a long time, but it has to keep going. As a part of that, it's time to remove those log messages from my fork of MB-System. When I checked out the code this last week from svn, I did a quick look to see how big it is:
find . -name "*.[ch]" | wc -l
find . -name "*.[ch]" | xargs wc -l | tail -2
     183 ./src/utilities/mbtime.c
  772059 total
find . -name "*.[ch]" | xargs grep " * Revision" | wc -l
Dave and Dale have been busy! That's 662 C and C header files with almost over 700 hundred thousand lines. How much of that consists of things that I can remove? Take a look at some of the log comments:
 * $Log: mbf_mbarirov.h,v $
 * Revision 5.3  2003/04/17 21:05:23  caress
 * Release 5.0.beta30
 * Revision 5.2  2002/09/18 23:32:59  caress
 * Release 5.0.beta23
 * Revision 5.1  2001/03/22 20:50:02  caress
 * Trying to make version 5.0.beta0
Each commit for a file takes at least 3 lines. The "find" command above came up with 8193 log entries in the source code. If I get rid of those lines, that will shrink the souce code by over 25 thousand lines. Are we loosing information by doing this? I argue that with today's much better version control tools, we definitely are NOT! We now have much more than "svn blame" or "git blame" commands. Github has really nice browsing ability for code bases. First look at what we are removing... it turns out to be very redundant information.

Looking at what newer tools can do, it is so much better to be able to view the changes integrated into the view of the code. The code gets shorter and we can get more background. We have quickly jump to older versions and explore the history of the code if we need to.

Distributed version control systems (DVCS; aka git and hg) and the tools that go along with them make software a much more pleasant and informative experience. Code is about communicating with the future. Explorable histories and great tools make that possible. Sadly, log entry comments are now just dead lines of code that are in the way of the reader.

For many of the shorter files in the MB-System code base, extraneous comments make up as much as 1/3 of the code. I can't wait to get to the point where I have a lean, mean, and legal code base with unit and integration tests in place.

I keep finding other interesting concepts that I can shrink or remove. Here is another... 2600 lines containing the old rcs_id variable:
find . -name "*.[ch]" | xargs grep "rcs_id" | wc -l
So if I start with 3/4 of a million lines of C and header files, how small will it be when I'm done? I'm hoping to at least get down to under 1/2 the lines without removing functionality (beyond things like GSF that are incompatible with the GPL).

An old adage floating around the computer industry goes something like this: "one of your biggest liabilities is your existing code".

Will Dave and Dale hunt me down from the ends of the Earth? Likely. But hey, this is just a fork. And someone forking a code base implies that person thinks the code is worth investing time into.

Plus, some of the comments that I'm removing are highly entertaining. Tonight, I got to read about the Western Flyer being stuck on a reef.

"How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb." [ref]

Posted by Kurt | Permalink